First, I have a question for everyone, tote bags How much do you have for your daily life?
This is not articel research, this problem is only normal for women. I think most women like tote bags, and businesses want to have their own bags,
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Sometimes, when I take the subway to work every day, I see so many women toted around a few bags, and they are struggling to find some items missing much in the bag, I really wanted to design speceial and tote fashionable that can help women carry easily.Usually, when we go shopping, we will look around to find a large tote bag is great for heavy things; when I walk outsite, I will put my keys, mobils into the bag neatly organized, where everything has its place and is clearly visible, making us feel ready to take on anything that happened that day.
Today, the original skin the most popular in the market divided into the dermis layer of the skin (Nappa Leather) first and second layers of skin. The first layer is the one closest to the surface, less disability than hide the best raw from work, the surface of the natural leather of the state well-preserved, the thin layer, can indicate patterns of the natural beauty of the skins of animals, not only for custom tote bag, but it also has air permeability well, is the presence in the upper dermis.
The second layer of the skin is relatively loose fibrous tissue layer portion, some people also name it "split leather", it is to spray chemicals or covered with PVC film PU processing, fastness to wear less, is a type of skin cheaper. The second skin layer is also flexible but slightly harder. pvc bag factory
If tote bag factory in question was completely smooth or have a taste similar to plastic, the possibility of fake leather, it may PU or PVC, Faux leather also tend to stretch more than leathe real, but back they are woven fabric, you can touch, smell and feel, you will either toally different from Genuine Leather.
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